Other Activities
Other Experiences
- August 2022: PhD Seminar Organization, Website Development, IRIMAS, University of Haute-Alsace, France (git)
- June-July 2022: Colloquium Organization, Website Development, IRIMAS, University of Haute-Alsace, France (website)
- June 2022: Event Organization, Music day, University of Haute-Alsace, France
- September 2021: AMIES Challenge, Trajectories Reconstruction, Eurecam
Other Documents
- Fragment d'Optimisation de Formes (.pdf)
- Playing the electric guitare since 2011 (YouTube) and in the band Down to the Abyss
- Doing Sport
- Creation and Administration of the MAThEOR Cloud
Other Links
- The page of Dr. Quentin Ehret, who works on restricted Lie and Lie-Rinehart (super)algebras (homepage)
- The page of Armand Ley, who works on optimal transport (homepage)
- The Mathematics Genealogy Project (website)
- The Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (website)