(6) S. Benayadi, S.Bouarroudj, Q. Ehret, Left-symmetric superalgebras and Lagrangian extensions of Lie superalgebras in characteristic 2, preprint, January 2025 (arXiv).
(5) Q. Ehret, A. Makhlouf, Deformations and Cohomology of restricted Lie-Rinehart algebras in positive characteristic, preprint, May 2023 (arXiv).
Journal papers
(4) S. Bouarroudj, Q. Ehret, Central extensions of restricted Lie superalgebras and classification of p-nilpotent Lie superalgebras in dimension 4, preprint, January 2024 (updated arXiv), to appear in Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2026 (10.1142/S0219498826500659).
(3) S. Bouarroudj, Q. Ehret, Double extensions of quasi-Frobenius Lie superalgebras with degenerate center, Communications in Algebra
Vol. 53, 2025 - Issue 5, pp. 1739-1754 (10.1142/S0219498826500659) (arXiv).
(2) S. Bouarroudj, Q. Ehret, Y. Maeda, Symplectic double extensions for restricted quasi-Frobenius Lie (super)algebras, SIGMA. Symmetry Integrability Geom. Methods Appl. 19 (2023), 070, 29 pages (Article) (10.3842/SIGMA.2023.070).
(1) Q. Ehret, A. Makhlouf, On classification and deformations of Lie-Rinehart superalgebras, Communications in Mathematics 30 (2022), no. 2, 67–92. (Article) (10.46298/cm.10537).
Conferences and Talks
Upcoming Events
June 2025, Conference, TBA, Workshop on algebras and applications in mathematical physics, Chern Institute of Mathematics, Tianjin, China.
Past Events
(21) February 2025, Post-Doc Seminar, On Lie superalgebras in characteristic 2, NYUAD Post-Doc Seminar, New York University Abu Dhabi. (blackboard talk, no slides)
(20) January 2025, Seminar, Central extensions of restricted Lie superalgebras and classification of p-nilpotent Lie superalgebras in dimension 4, Séminaire ART, Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée, Strasbourg, France. (slides, new version of the talk)
(19) December 2024, Conference, Lagrangian extensions of Lie superalgebras in characteristic 2, 6th Euro-Maghreb Conference in Algebra, Geometry and Lie Theory, Hammamet, Tunisia. (slides)
(18) November 2024, Conference, Central extensions of restricted Lie superalgebras and classification of p-nilpotent Lie superalgebras in dimension 4, Non-associative algebras, representations and applications International Conference, SUSTech, International Center for Mathematics, Shenzhen, China. (slides, new version of the talk)
(17) July 2024, Conference, Central extensions of nilpotent superalgebras, MAThEOR Days 2, Ste Marie-au-Mines, France. ( slides )
(16) April 2024, Seminar, Restricted Lie algebras in characteristic p=2, Math Post-Doc Day, NYU Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. ( slides )
(15) March 2024, Seminar, Central extensions of restricted Lie superalgebras and classification of p-nilpotent Lie superalgebras in dimension 4, Department of Mathematics, Mulhouse, France (slides, long version of the talk)
(14) February 2024, Conference, Central extensions of restricted Lie superalgebras and classification of p-nilpotent Lie superalgebras in dimension 4, VII International Workshop on Non-associative Algebras, Lecce, Italy. ( slides, short version of the talk)
(13) January 2024, Seminar, Central extensions of restricted Lie superalgebras and classification of p-nilpotent Lie superalgebras in dimension 4, GTP Seminar, NYU Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. ( slides )
(12) April 2023, Conference, Symplectic double extensions for restricted quasi-Frobenius Lie (super)algebras, Euro-Maghreb Conference in Algebra, Geometry and Lie Theory, Sousse, Tunisia. ( slides )
(11) March 2023, PhD Seminar, Restricted structures on the Heisenberg algebra, Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée, Strasbourg, France ( slides ).
(10) January 2023, PhD Seminar, Algebraic Structures emerging from genetical Inheritance, PhD seminar of the IRIMAS institute, Mulhouse, France ( slides ).
(9) December 2022, Seminar, Chevalley-Eilenberg cohomology and deformations of Lie algebras in positive characteristic, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, Tartu, Estonia ( slides ).
(8) October 2022, Conference, Deformations of Lie-Rinehart (Super)algebras, IV International Workshop on Non-associative Algebras, Covilhã, Portugal ( slides ).
(7) September 2022, Conference, Deformations of Lie-Rinehart (Super)algebras, New Trends in Hopf Algebras and Monoidal Categories, Turin, Italy ( slides ).
(6) June 2022, Conference, Deformations of Lie-Rinehart (Super)algebras, Conference of differential geometry, contact
geometry, dynamical systems and beyond, in memory of Robert Lutz, Mulhouse, France ( slides ).
(5) March 2022, Seminar, Cohomology and Deformations of restricted Lie Algebras in positive
Characteristic, IRIMAS, Department of Mathematics, Mulhouse, France ( slides in French ).
(4) February 2022, PhD Seminar, A Survey about Deformations of Lie Algebras, Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée, Strasbourg, France ( slides in French ).
(3) November 2021, Poster, On Classification and Deformations of Lie-Rinehart Superalgebras, Research School
Higher Structures Emerging from Renormalisation, Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna, Austria ( poster ).
(2) November 2021, Talk in a Workshop, Birkhoff Theorem and Optimal Transport, Groupe de travail Transport Optimal, IRIMAS, Mulhouse, France ( notes in French ).
(1) May 2021, Talk in a Workshop, About the Grothendieck Group K_0, Groupe de travail K-théorie, Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée, Strasbourg, France ( notes in French ).
Other documents
My PhD thesis, Study and Deformations of Lie-Rinehart (super)algebras in positive characteristic, under the supervision of Abdenacer Makhlouf, defended in Mulhouse on September 21, 2023 ( manuscript in French ) ( slides in English ).
My second Master thesis (M2 Recherche), Deformations of Abelian Categories, under the supervision of Abdenacer Makhlouf, defended (remotely) July 16, 2020 ( manuscript in French ) ( slides in French ).
My first Master thesis (M2 Agrégation), Introduction to Category Theory, under the supervision of Dragos Fratila, defended in Strasbourg on May 2, 2019 ( small report in French ) ( slides in French ).
My report for the course "Study of Mathematical Texts" (M1 Recherche), On the Weyl's Formula, under the supervision of Yohann Le Floch, defended in Strasbourg on June 18, 2018 ( manuscript in French ) ( slides in French ).
Some links
Post-Doc seminar at New York University Abu Dhabi.
Seminar of the departement of mathematics of the IRIMAS institute.
Dr. Thomas Jacumin, who is post-doc in Lund University and works on PDEs and variational principles applied to image processing and computer vision.
Dr. Victoria Callet-Feltz, who was PhD student in Strasbourg working on applications of persistent homology on musical analysis. Here is a webpage she created gathering MIDI files and programs she's using. Victoria is currently PRAG (Lecturer) at INSA Strasbourg.
Dr. Antoine Callet-Feltz, who was PhD student in Strasbourg working on twisted commutative algebras and functor categories. Antoine is currently PRAG (Lecturer) at the math department of the University of Strasbourg.
Dr. Andrea Rivezzi, who was PhD student at the Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca and Université de Haute-Alsace working on the quantization of Lie bialgebras and related topics. Andrea is currently Post-Doc in Prague.
Mr. Armand Ley, who is ATER in Strasbourg and Mulhouse working on optimal transport and stochastic processes.
A map with the Math departments and institutes of France. All the mistakes or omissions are mine and unintentional. (I am currently preparing a better version of the map...)