Personal Homepage of Quentin Ehret

Post-doc in Mathematics

I hold a french higher education teaching degree (Agrégation, obtained in 2019) in mathematics. I put on this page the teaching material of the courses I taught in Haute-Alsace University in France and in New York University in Abu Dhabi.

Spring 2025:

  • Recitations for the Course Abstract Algebra 1 (Class of Sofiane Bouarroudj) in New York University Abu Dhabi. Problems sheets: Recitation 1, Recitation 2, Recitation 3. Quiz 1.

  • Spring 2024:

  • Recitations for the Course Abstract Algebra 2 (Class of Sofiane Bouarroudj) in New York University Abu Dhabi. Problems sheets: Recitation 1, Recitation 2, Recitation 3, Recitation 4, Recitation 5, Recitation 6, Recitation 7, Problems on Galois theory, Quizz 1, Quizz 2, Quizz 3, Midterm Exam, Final Exam.

  • During my PhD Thesis, I taught several courses in first and second year of the Engineering schools ENSISA and ENSCMU, as well as in the first year of Bachelor in the Faculté des Sciences et Techniques.

    In the academic year 2022/2023, I taught:

  • Fall 2022 : Reinforcement in Mathematics: Numerical Analysis, second year of Engineering School ENSISA. Teaching material: Chapitre 1: Suites récurrentes, Chapitre 2: Méthode de Newton, Chapitre 3: Intégration numérique, Chapitre 4: Intégrales généralisées, Recueil d'exercices, Contrôle 1, Contrôle 2.
  • Spring 2023 : Reinforcement in Mathematics: Real Analysis, first year of Engineering School ENSISA. Teaching material: Chapitre 1: Nombres réels , Chapitre 2 : Suites réelles, Chapitre 3 : Fonctions continues, Chapitre 4 : Fonctions dérivables, Recueil d'exercices, Contrôle 1, Contrôle 2.
  • Spring 2023 : Mathematical Tools: Linear Algebra and Euclidian Geometry, first year of Engineering School ENSCMU. Teaching material: Feuille de TD , Chapitre 1 : Déterminants, Chapitre 2 : Géométrie du plan et de l'espace , Chapitre 3 : Espaces vectoriels , Chapitre 4 : Applications linéaires , Examen 1, Examen 2.

    In the academic years 2020/2021 and 2021/2022:

    (More or less) the same as 2022/2023.

  • Quelques références en français:

  • Cours de L1/L2: le livre de Pierre Guillot.